Business Palisade Fence Weave


DIY and custom steel palisade fence weave and cladding. Quality guaranteed.


DIY Supplier of Palisade Fence Weaving material


About Us

We Care About Your Life’s Important Things

3B Palisade Fence Weaving is the Pioneers in the fence weaving business. We have upgraded our material from the normal galvanized steel to a much more durable and flexible fence weaving material. The new 3B Steel Weave Material is a 0.32 Aluzink plate with it's first paint coating already applied - making it more durable and longer lasting than normal galvanized plate. This new material is also especially user friendly for people who prefer our DIY  Fence Weave Options.  We offer custom, on-site palisade weaving options for businesses and residential properties, with finishes available in a variety of colors.   Just give us a call and we can discuss the best options to meet your needs.

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Palisade Fence Weaving provides you with improved privacy and better security,

Galvanized steel palisade fence weaving
Galvanized steel palisade fence weave